hiking Aug 18, 2024

why do my hands swell when i hike

why do my fingers swell when hiking

Why Do My Hands and Fingers Swell When Hiking?

Hiking is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by many individuals for its physical and mental benefits. However, some hikers may experience discomfort or pain in their hands and fingers during or after a hike. This can be quite concerning and may affect one`s performance and enjoyment of the hike.

Causes of Hand Swelling When Hiking

There are several reasons why your hands may swell when hiking. Let`s take a closer look at some of these causes:


Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for hand swelling when hiking. When you are dehydrated, your blood volume decreases, causing blood vessels in your hands to narrow. This leads to increased fluid retention and swelling in the hands and fingers. It is essential to stay hydrated before, during, and after a hike to prevent dehydration and hand swelling.

Excess Salt Intake

Consuming excessive amounts of salty food or drinks during a hike can also cause hand swelling. Salt is known to retain water, and when combined with dehydration, it can lead to fluid retention in the hands and fingers. It is recommended to limit your salt intake and opt for healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to stay hydrated and prevent hand swelling while hiking.

Heat and Humidity

Hiking in hot and humid weather conditions can also contribute to hand swelling. When your body gets too hot, it tries to cool down by dilating blood vessels. This results in increased blood flow to your skin, causing your hands and fingers to swell. Try to avoid hiking during the hottest part of the day, wear appropriate clothing, and take breaks in the shade to prevent overheating and hand swelling.

High Altitude

High altitude can also cause hand swelling when hiking. At higher altitudes, the air pressure is lower, causing the body to work harder to maintain oxygen levels. This leads to increased fluid retention in the hands, feet, and face. If you are hiking at a high altitude, it is crucial to take breaks, stay hydrated, and gradually increase your elevation to allow your body to acclimate and prevent hand swelling.

Causes of Finger Swelling When Hiking

While hand swelling is common in hikers, some individuals may also experience finger swelling during or after a hike. Let`s take a look at some of the causes of finger swelling when hiking:

Joint Inflammation

Hiking involves repetitive movements, and if your hands and fingers are not used to it, it can lead to inflammation in your joints, causing finger swelling. This is more common in individuals with arthritis or other joint conditions. To prevent joint inflammation and finger swelling, it is recommended to start with shorter and less strenuous hikes and gradually increase your intensity and duration.

Improper Gear and Technique

The gear you use when hiking can also contribute to finger swelling. Wearing tight, ill-fitting gloves can restrict blood flow and cause swelling in the fingers. Additionally, using improper hand and finger placement on hiking poles or carrying a heavy backpack with improper hand positioning can also lead to finger swelling. It is essential to invest in comfortable and properly fitting gear and learn the correct techniques for hand and finger placement to prevent swelling.

Injury or Sprain

In some cases, finger swelling when hiking may be due to an injury or sprain. Hiking trails can be rocky and uneven, increasing the risk of falls and sprains. If you experience pain or swelling in your fingers after a hike, it is essential to seek medical attention and get proper treatment to prevent further damage and swelling.

In Conclusion

While hand and finger swelling is a common issue for hikers, it can be easily prevented by staying hydrated, limiting salt intake, avoiding extreme weather conditions, gradually increasing elevation, using proper gear and techniques, and seeking medical help for any injuries or sprains. With these precautions, you can continue to enjoy the many benefits of hiking without worrying about hand and finger swelling.

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