hiking Sep 27, 2024

Why Does Hiking Burn So Many Calories

calories burned during hiking

Why Does Hiking Burn So Many Calories?

Hiking is a popular outdoor activity that involves walking through natural environments like mountains, forests, and parks. Not only is it a great way to connect with nature and get some fresh air, but it also offers an excellent cardiovascular workout that can burn a significant number of calories.

So why does hiking burn so many calories? There are several factors that contribute to this, including the terrain, the incline, and the duration of the hike. Let`s take a closer look at each of these factors.

The Terrain

The type of terrain you hike on plays a crucial role in how many calories you burn. Hiking on a flat surface, such as a paved path, will not be as physically challenging as hiking on uneven terrain. When you hike on uneven terrain, your body has to work harder to stabilize and balance itself, which requires more energy expenditure.

Furthermore, hiking on a rocky or sandy terrain demands more effort from your leg muscles, as they have to adjust to the constantly changing surface. This leads to a higher calorie burn compared to walking on a smooth surface.

The Incline

Another key factor that affects the number of calories burned during hiking is the incline of the trail. Hiking uphill requires more effort than walking on a flat surface, as you have to work against gravity to move forward. This extra effort translates to a higher calorie burn.

In fact, according to the American Hiking Society, hiking uphill can burn up to 50% more calories than walking on a flat surface at the same speed. This is because when you hike uphill, you engage more muscles in your legs and burn more energy to move your body against the incline.

The Duration

The duration of your hike also plays a significant role in the number of calories you burn. As with any form of exercise, the longer you do it, the more calories you will burn. The average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 700 calories in a one-hour hike, depending on their weight and the intensity of the hike.

However, the duration of your hike may vary depending on the distance and the difficulty of the trail. For instance, a one-hour hike on a hilly terrain will burn more calories than a one-hour hike on a flat trail.

Calories Burned During Hiking

The number of calories burned during hiking can vary greatly depending on the individual`s weight and the intensity of the hike. The average person weighing 150 pounds burns around 350 calories in a one-hour hike on a flat surface and around 550 calories in the same amount of time on a hilly terrain.

For those looking to achieve a higher calorie burn, increasing the intensity of the hike is key. This can be achieved by hiking on steeper inclines, increasing speed, or carrying a heavy backpack. All of these factors contribute to a higher energy expenditure and therefore, more calories burned.

Hiking also has the advantage of being a low-impact exercise, which means it puts less stress on your joints compared to running or other high-impact activities. This makes hiking a great option for individuals who want to burn calories without putting too much strain on their bodies.

Benefits of Hiking for Weight Loss

Aside from burning a significant number of calories, hiking also offers a multitude of other benefits when it comes to weight loss. For starters, being in nature has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health and can reduce stress levels, which can lead to less emotional eating. Hiking also provides a break from the daily routine and allows for a change of scenery, making it a more enjoyable and sustainable form of exercise.

In addition, hiking can help improve muscle strength and endurance, especially in the lower body. This can lead to an increase in metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight in the long run.


In conclusion, hiking is a great form of exercise that can burn a significant number of calories. The type of terrain, the incline, and the duration of the hike all play a role in determining the number of calories burned. Hiking also offers several other benefits for weight loss, making it a popular activity for individuals looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

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