
backpacking Mar 27, 2024

How To Store Food When Camping

how to store food while backpacking

How to Store Food when Camping and Backpacking

Camping and backpacking are both exciting and challenging forms of outdoor recreation. One of the most important things to consider when embarking on either of these adventures is how to properly store food. Not only does proper food storage ensure that your meals are safe to eat, but it also helps to keep your campsite clean and prevent unwanted visitors, such as bears and rodents. In this article, we will discuss the best methods for storing food when camping and backpacking.


When camping, the best way to store food is by using coolers and bear-proof containers. Here are some tips for ensuring the safety of your food while camping:


Investing in a good quality cooler is essential when camping. Look for a cooler with thick walls and a sturdy lid that can keep your food cold for an extended period. Here are a few tips for using coolers effectively when camping:

Pre-chill your cooler: Before packing your cooler with food, place some ice or ice packs inside and let it sit for a few hours. This will help to lower the temperature inside the cooler, giving your food a head start on staying cool.

Pack the cooler wisely: Start by placing heavy items, such as meat or cans, at the bottom. Then, cover them with a layer of ice or ice packs. Next, add lighter items on top. Make sure to pack the cooler tightly to prevent air gaps, which can cause your ice to melt faster. Finally, top it off with another layer of ice or ice packs.

Keep the cooler closed as much as possible: Opening and closing the cooler frequently can cause the cold air to escape, making it difficult to maintain a consistent temperature. Pack your cooler in a way that allows you to access the items you will need first without having to dig through the entire cooler.

Bear-Proof Containers

When camping in bear country, it is crucial to properly store your food to prevent attracting them. Bear-proof containers are specifically designed to keep bears from accessing your food. Here are a few tips for using bear-proof containers when camping:

Use bear-proof containers for all your food and scented items: This includes not only your food but also things like toothpaste, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Bears have an excellent sense of smell and will be attracted to any fragrant items.

Place the bear-proof container at least 100 yards away from your campsite: This ensures that if a bear does come looking for food, it will not be in close proximity to your sleeping area.

Secure the container properly: Make sure to use all the locking mechanisms on the container and store it in a location where it cannot easily be knocked over or opened by an animal.


When backpacking, space and weight are limited, so proper food storage is even more critical. Here are some tips for storing food while backpacking:

Meal Planning

Proper meal planning is crucial when backpacking. Plan out your meals in advance and pack only what you need. Here are a few tips for meal planning:

Choose lightweight and non-perishable food items: Dehydrated or freeze-dried meals, energy bars, and nuts are great options for backpacking as they are lightweight and have a long shelf life.

Repackaging: Repackaging your food into smaller, lightweight, and airtight containers, such as Ziploc bags, can save space and reduce the weight of your pack.

Hanging Your Food

In areas where bears are not a concern, hanging your food in a bear bag is an effective way to keep your food safe and away from critters. Here are some tips for hanging your food:

Use a bear bag: A bear bag is a large, durable sack that is specifically made for hanging food while camping or backpacking. It is typically made of a material that cannot easily be chewed through by animals.

Choose the right location: Look for a tree branch that is at least 200 feet away from your sleeping area and at least 12 feet high. Make sure it is not a dead or rotten tree branch, as it could break under the weight of the bag.

Properly hang and secure the bag: Use a rope to hang the bag from a tree branch and secure it with a double knot. The bag should be at least 15 feet away from the trunk of the tree and 10 feet off the ground.

Storing Personal Scented Items

Finally, when backpacking, it is essential to store personal scented items properly to prevent animals from being attracted to your campsite. Here are a few tips:

Use scent-free products: When possible, opt for scent-free products in the backcountry to avoid attracting animals.

Store your scented items with your food: If storing food in a bear bag, make sure to include your scented items in the bag and hang them together.

In conclusion, proper food storage is essential when camping and backpacking to ensure the safety of your meals and prevent unwanted visitors. Whether you are camping in a car or backpacking in the backcountry, following these tips will help keep your food safe and your campsite clean.

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