biking Nov 03, 2023

Calories Burned 10 Mile Bike Ride

how many calories does 10 miles of biking burn

How Many Calories Does a 10 Mile Bike Ride Burn?

Everything we put into our bodies, from food to activities, has an effect on our overall health and fitness. Knowing how many calories we burn through daily activities can be a helpful tool to managing overall health. A great way to stay active and get a good workout is to ride a bike. But how many calories does a 10 mile bike ride burn?

What is Calories?

Calories can be defined as a unit of energy, and food, drinks and activities that require energy will burn calories. In this case, with a bike ride, your body`s need for energy will increase, and the number of calories being burned will increase as well.

How Many Calories Does a 10 Mile Bike Ride Burn?

The amount of calories burned from a 10 mile bike ride will depend on a variety of factors. These factors include the rider`s size, weight, speed, terrain, and type of bike being ridden. In general, biking at a speed of 10 to 12 miles per hour can burn anywhere from 300 to 450 calories for a 10 mile ride. That means that each mile burned an average of 30 to 45 calories. If the terrain is mountainous or hilly, such as going up and down hills or steep inclines, this amount may be a little higher. That is because this type of terrain requires more effort and uses more energy, which leads to more calories burned. The type of bike being ridden, such as a mountain bike or a hybrid bike, can also affect how many calories are burned. Mountain bikes will require more energy and can use up to 10% more calories.

How Can You Burn More Calories?

There are a few things that you can do to help increase the amount of calories that you are burning. Increasing your speed, or riding for a longer period of time, will increase the amount of calories that are being burned. Riding a mountain bike also helps, as using a mountain bike over a hybrid bike can burn an extra 10% in calories. Riding on a hilly or mountainous terrain can also help to increase the amount of calories that are being burned.


The amount of calories that you may burn in from a 10 mile bike ride can vary depending on the individual rider, type of bike, terrain, and speed. On average, biking 10 to 12 miles an hour for 10 miles can burn anywhere from 300 to 450 calories. If you are looking to increase your calorie burn, try increasing your speed or riding a mountain bike over a hybrid. Riding on a hilly of mountainous terrain can also help to increase your calorie burn.
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